Lable Cloud

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Wednesday, April 13

First of the season

We've had our first really nice Spring day here today so Mr. Cobblestone and I had our first biking picnic dinner of the year this evening. 

It is something we try to do as often as we can ~ filling the basket on my bicycle with veggies and hummus, a few pieces of cold chicken, some grapes and a nice bottle of wine.  We are fortunate to have a lovely bike trail that runs past a quaint little park by the river about 5 miles north of our home. 

Once home, we strolled around our yard ~ finding some of the daffodils had opened tody.  Tomorrow I shall bring in a nice bouquet for the kitchen window. 

Remember to enjoy the small things in life. 


  1. lovely..hope the weather on the Hilltop will stay this wonderful as it was the last couple of I want to go on a picnic too..Have a great weekend...hug from all of us..

  2. If it would ever stop raining I'd go out for a walk on the nature trails near my home. I think it's rained more than 40 days in a row by now. Hopefully these April showers are going to bring lots of May flowers.


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