Lable Cloud

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Tuesday, March 12

Another treasure found

As I've shared here before, I have found a quaint shop in town that is a cross between an antique store and a yard sale.  It is the place I found the car for my family of mice going on their picnic.  

I am having such fun poking around in that shop every few weeks to see what new finds are waiting for me and the mice and bears. 

Last week I stumbled upon this:

So, what do you think ~ a romantic date for two mice?  
Can't you just see him rowing away as 
she is perched on her seat holding a parasol? 
Oh yes, I think it will be quite 
divine ~ once I get rid of that red.  

I just realized I did not share any pics of the 
finished family in their car.
 I am pleased to say they have already found a new home.  


  1. Laura, the little boat was there in the shop just waiting for you. Yes, I can see that couple and I know you will bring them to life.
    The little picnicing family is adorable. That car was perfect for them. Enjoy your week. HUgs

    1. Isn't it grand when you find just the perfect thing? I'm anxious to get to those rowing mice ~ romance is in the air. Aren't we all just a tad twitter-pated this time of year? ;)

      So nice to know you are enjoying looking at my little friends, Maddy. xxx


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