Lable Cloud

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Sunday, September 22

Museum Bound!

It is a phrase commonly heard in the world of 
artist bears ~ "Don't worry that he hasn't sold, 
the right buyer just hasn't come along yet."  
Yeah, people in the artist bear community are nice like that.
Recently those kind words hit home for me.

Perhaps you will remember my 1960's hippie bear, 
Norman Meadowlark, who traveled to England 
for the NTBAA Awards, won 3rd place in his category,
 and was subsequently purchased by the award organizers 
for their shop, Brewins' Bruins in Swanage.  
Well, after being in that shop during their Summer season, 
he remained unsold, so the shop owners took him with them 
to Hugglets.  Yes, you read that right ~ 
one of my bears was at Hugglets!  

For those of you who may be unfamiliar, 
Hugglets is one of the premier bear fairs in the 
wonderfully bear-loving United Kingdom.  
I was thrilled ~ a bit miffed that he got to go 
without me ~ but all the same simply thrilled 
to have one of my pieces there.

Here he is ~ front and center on the display table, 
along with a duplicate of his trophy 
and a copy of the issue of Teddy Bear Times  
in which he is pictured.

If that wasn't exciting enough, Norman found a 
home that day!  And not just any ol' home ~ nosiree ~ 
Norman is to be part of a new
Teddy Bear Museum in  Edinburgh, Scotland! 

I could not be more proud!
Thank-you, Deirdre!!!!
Deirdre Howie, the museum owner, holding Norman    

If you are interested in viewing the NTBAA Awards, 
it is available  here.
Norman shows up around the 6 minute mark.


  1. Congratulations, Laura!! What exciting news to have one of your bears be in a museum! Well done!!


    1. Thanks, Cheryl! Yes, I'm pretty excited about it. So nice of you to drop by. Hope all is well at Bingle Bears. xxx


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