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Sunday, January 16

A bit of unplanned exposure for fellow bear makers

You just never know who might stumble upon your website.

This week I received a lovely email from an elementary teacher who has been using a page from my website in her classroom.  It seems Ms. Golding's class is doing a unit on Teddy Bears and she found the Links page of my site quite useful. 

I must admit it made me smile to think of the students visiting all my bear maker friends around the globe.  I know they were seeing some incredible works of art and exploring a slice of life they might not otherwise discover.  How many new arctophiles were being born?

During their studies, one of her students, Ashleigh, had found a nice site on the History of Teddy Bears which she forwarded to me.  The link is now also on my site.  Thank-you Ashleigh!


  1. Oh, it's so lovely to hear that! Thanks for sharing the site, I am dropping by the teddy bear history site now =)
    Have a great day!



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