'Tis the Season for Giving, so I am having a giveaway!
On Saturday Dec 14, 2013 at 12:00pm (noon) a winner will be chosen by random number generator. The winner will receive this darling pink potbelly angel mouse and her golden harp.
On Saturday Dec 14, 2013 at 12:00pm (noon) a winner will be chosen by random number generator. The winner will receive this darling pink potbelly angel mouse and her golden harp.
The rules are very simple ~ to participate
you may do so through facebook or
simply email your entry to me.
Your entry must contain a suggestion for the
Your entry must contain a suggestion for the
next citizen of Cobblestone Circle.
Be sure to visit the Citizens' gallery on my
Be sure to visit the Citizens' gallery on my
website if you are not familiar with them.
When this giveaway concludes, you will be able to
When this giveaway concludes, you will be able to
vote on the suggestions during the month of
January, 2014 and the top vote getter will be created.
If you recommend this contest to your friends, you
If you recommend this contest to your friends, you
will be given an additional entry in the contest, so be
sure to Spread the Word and
let me know if you've done this.
Good luck everyone!