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Friday, September 21

The Arch

Yesterday afternoon I packed a picnic dinner and took a walk down to the shore to meet Mr. Cobblestone at a darling little park we had found recently.  The route I chose for my walk took me past one of the 'tourist meccas' for the area ~ The Arch.

It says Camden on one side, and Rockport on the other.

But you may remember seeing this same arch in another place ~ specifically Peyton Place!

Yep, the movie was filmed here in 1957.  That was before I was born, but who hasn't heard of Peyton Place!   The local library provides information about the filming here.

We have recently watched the movie again and are pleased to say that  much of what you see in it is still here.  It is every bit as charming and beautiful. 

Here are some photos I took at our picnic spot last night:


  1. I don't remember the movie and think I might look for a copy so I can see more of the area. I really love the views. Keep posting such beautiful photos and soon all of us will be wanting to relocate there. Enjoy your weekend Laura. Hugs

    1. Well come on over! There are a few sacrifices to living in such a remote area, but we feel it is definitely worth it!!!

  2. Wow, it is really just like it envision when I think about New England.

    1. I know. I have to keep telling myself 'and I live here!"

  3. Beautiful country, Laura, I remember that movie.
    I thought it was so risque watching it at my age way back when?
    I know you've been busy, but I have to say, you moved to a
    beautiful state.

    be well,

    1. It is beautiful, Lisa. You're welcome to visit anytime!

      I know what you mean about the movie ~ I heard so many grown-ups talking about it (or probably the TV series version) and couldn't wait until I was deemed old enough to watch. lol Now, it seems so utterly harmless. A different age . . .


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